About Pedodontics
Pedodontics is a branch of dentistry dedicated to diagnosing and treating dental problems in children. A paediatric dentist treats children from infancy to young adulthood. The paediatric dentist helps children learn how to keep their teeth clean.
Consult our Pedodontist for more information
Types of Pedodontic Treatments
- Dental Fillings
- Scaling
- Preventive Dental Treatments
- Pulpectomy (Root Canal Treatment)
- Stainless Steel Caps and Crowns
- Aesthetic Fillings
- Extraction
- Paediatric Orthodontics
- Space Maintainers
- Removable Appliances
- Habit Breaking Appliances
- Jaw expansion Appliances
- Space regainers
9. Oral Health Counselling
- Tooth Brushing Technique
- Dictany guidance for children
10. Full Mouth Rehabilitation under general Anaesthesia
11. Dentistry for Special Health Care needs in Individuals
Why Visit Secunderabad Dental Hospital:
we offer comprehensive, multispeciality dental services in a safe and hygienic environment. With top dentist, state-of-the-art equipment and latest treatment procedures, it is one of the best dental hospitals in Hyderabad for all dental solutions under one roof.
When to visit:
A child’s first dental visit should ideally be within 6 months of eruption of the first milk tooth and no later than the child’s first birthday. Timely dental visits help develop a healthy relationship between the child and the dentist allowing a dental visit to be anxiety free for both the child and the parents. A Pediatric dentist also helps identify cavities, irregular teeth, relieve toothache and even prevent any further dental disease in a fun, relaxed and stress-free environment